The Mother
“read about the changes on the energetic level and what issues in our society this is reflected in”
Mothers are the celebrated work slaves of our modern society. I choose my judgemental wording with care because the societal blindness and the internalised sanctification of the phenomenon has not been surpassed by anything else I have seen.
This article does not seek to judge or devaluate any mother or any choice. It is written to create awareness about the energetic realities that underly this crucial blind spot within our society.
If you do not know enough about it or even think that this social blindspot does not exist please refer to the following excellent resources. This article will be about energy, as is to be expected from me.
Resources about the importance, price and cost of unpaid and often under-appreciated work, especially by women and mothers can be found here:
How did energy create this situation?
The mother will carry the child also after it is born. The child will stay in her energy field.
Mothers will protect the energy field of the child with their own energy field even against influences from family members and the father.
Many fathers may experience that they have lost the “most special position” with their partner the moment a child arrives. Of course not all fathers react the same to this. There are even psychologists that will argue that it is wrong if the mother “allows” this because it might be a danger to the stability of the relationship. From an energetic point of view it cannot be avoided unless by force.
Of course this happens. In cases of adoption, abandonment, psychiatric problems and death the child will be forced out of the mothers energy field prematurely. The mother container role can be taken over by other caretakers but an attachment trauma will be visible in the field of the child even if other caretakers do a beautiful job.
One cannot hurt the mother without hurting the child. Because even if the child might not be directly touched, not even energetically, the safe container for the child has been compromised.
In the traditional patriarchal division of labour, a healthy family energetically therefore looks like this:
The Role of Patriarchy
The divine feminine is as lost to women as it is to men. Patriarchy is not the fight between men and women. It is about the imbalance of masculine and feminine energies.
Male qualities have been overvalued compared to female qualities. In individuals this has happened in males as well as in females. Male qualities are dominant in almost all aspects of society and in almost all individuals. The suppression of and hate towards women is simply a result of this imbalance.
Are we now living a patriarchal view on motherhood? The only possible answer to this would be “of course”. We are so immersed in patriarchy that we do not even have a clear idea about what is feminine and what is masculine, let alone that we know what and how our ideas are shaped by patriarchy.
I expect that even the way a woman carries a child in her energy field after birth will start to change and transform as we go through our collective evolution.
The archetype of “the mother” will certainly change during this evolution.
As far as I can see all archetypes will just dissolve. Because there is no place in our new dimension for a “role model” a “perfect way” or even how “it is”. Whatever something or somebody is, will and always is, “always becoming”.
The archetype of the mother seems to be one we have difficulty to let go of. Probably because we feel it is the last straw and relationship we have left with the divine feminine.
Today the archetypical image of the mother includes nurturing, protection, unconditional love. This type of mother is sanctified. Only people invested in serious spiritual development have practical awareness of the shadow side of the dark mother. Let us explore this dark side of the mother from a practical point of view rather than a mythical one:
A woman grows a baby completely out of her own body. Almost always the foetus takes precedence when it comes to nutrients, leading to mommy brain and other pregnancy quirks. After birth the child’s source of nutrition is a body fluid straight from the mother. Again, the baby nurtures off of the body of the mother. This takes energy on a physical level and even during breast feeding the baby will also suck other forms of energy from her energy field for further development. Children have the capacity to suck energy from caregivers that they trust. The kind of trust that is unconditional. Take a moment to reflect on that and many situations in your life and the lives of others. It helps to make sense of many particular situations that involve children.
The reason this happens is because children are not born with a fully mature energy field. In the same way that they are not born with a fully mature brain, digestive system etc. By the age of 8 a child has developmentally reached a stage of energetic maturity. However, in all cases development has been arrested in some aspect of the energy system. Depending on the phase of development the arrest has taken place in the system is now unable to take up a certain quality of energy from its surroundings and needs that particular quality pre-digested from another human being or sometimes other creatures. The extend to which a person needs pre-digested energy from other’s depends on the maturity of their energy system.
Looking at the situation in childhood closer, puts the mother in a service role or perhaps makes the baby into a little vampire. Or, as some medical professionals, state it, a parasite. There is a problem with this image. There is also a problem with how we rationalise our way out of it. And the tension this creates will be explored below.
The recent popularity of media that critique the über perfect mother and the toll it takes on women is a sign that our conscious evolution is trying to break free from the traditional archetype. If you do not know what I am talking about you might want to take a look at the youtube channel from Kristina Kuzmic or the 2016 Hollywood movie “Bad Moms” or read any Expat mom blog from the Netherlands. Being from the Netherlands this viewpoint on motherhood had already become normal but I have seen that for many mothers in my surroundings learning about these “non perfect” stories is incredibly healing.
As a result of emancipation and feminism, women have learned they do not have to be in service. That they are not less than and they should find and take their own place in the world. As a result motherhood becomes an extra job. No longer sanctified in the role of mother she feels frustrated and angry with the too many demands on her. She may express this anger towards her partner, other caregivers and in some unconscious ways towards her child.
This is where the dark mother archetype like Medea, The Black Madonna and Kali comes from. It is when the mother destroys, kills or eats her children. She takes back her energy so to speak. She recycles it. In tragic cases, this also happens on the material level.
The Fifth Dimensional Viewpoint
Now how to raise our intention for motherhood up into a fifth dimensional awareness? As with all issues that need healing, fifth dimensional or unity awareness is attained by uniting the dualities involved. Because we need to have or manifest various things that our conscious or unconscious cannot allow to exist in the same place.
One can identify various dualities in the current, patriarchal vision on motherhood: The opposition of motherhood versus self realisation, the needs of another versus the needs of self and there are many more.
I would like to invite you to become curious about the patriarchal versus the matriarchal vision on motherhood, parenthood and procreation. That is what it all comes down to essentially. The matriarchal vision on motherhood is no more than a whisper in our collective consciousness. It is hidden somewhere in the darkness of our collective subconscious and memory. Images of Lillith, the black Madonna, Isis and so on give us some idea but we have difficulty to unify their image with a contemporary or positive image of motherhood. Since most of what remains from these images in our consciousness is their capacity for destruction.
If you have done any of my courses or workshops you are familiare with the exercise to unify dualities. I would encourage you to do this exercise choosing whichever duality in this narrative that is most significant to you. It would be a wonderful mother day’s gift to yourself, your mother and the great mother.
The future
In an energy field with a fifth dimensional awareness imprint, the field does not need to take up energy from it’s surroundings. It creates it by itself, from the core. I have not had the privilege to observe what that looks like in the development of the energy field of an infant. I have seen though that even babies that have been born into the new paradigm right now take energy from their mother and other caregivers to develop.
The new forms of relationship have not yet crystallised out. For the moment I can see most balanced relationships create this:
Alternated with this:
With children something like this happens. I have seen many variations:
Copyright Maartje Kreuzen 2017