All you ever wanted to know about judgement
From a fifth dimensional perspective judgement is not wrong. It simply makes no sense and is not useful. When you are vibrating at a certain high level you simply will not feel the impuls to judge. Therefore the impulse to judge is a sign you want to concentrate on your vibration.
Judgment is not about the correctness or incorrectness of your observation. Seeing only the light and “good” in certain things is not spiritual, but a form of spiritual bypassing. Seeing all in something or someone and still loving them requires much more awareness and spiritual strength.
Purifying judgement can be tricky. For starters, it is not useful to go like: “Oh my, I am judging, I shouldn’t be doing that!” As in that exact moment you are judging yourself….And you are worse off than when you started.
Does this mean that every time you notice something dark or negative in yourself or in another you are judging?
No, not necessarily. Awareness of our shadow both individually and collectively is necessary for our evolution. Often it is easier to see the shadow in others than in ourselves. This is why personal processing with trusted therapists and light workers is so important.
The fine line between judgement and awareness lies in the vibration of compassion. So, even though you see the darkness, you do not identify with it nor do you interchange the identity of others with their darkness. In other words, although you see the mistakes, blocks and darkness you realise that this is not the complete story. You are still able to see and feel the divine light within yourself and others while you allow the awareness of shadow.
Sometimes the awareness of shadow can activate shadows in ourselves and bring our vibration down. In those moments we will have difficulty to feel and have compassion for others or ourselves.
It is not useful to judge yourself when this happens. You may see darkness in yourself or in another but your heart is closed. You are not vibrating with compassion and love. It is not useful to deny this. Because you can say that you are compassionate or that you know that you or the other are divine light but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are actually vibrating with that energy. Of course saying it out loud does help. It also helps to concentrate on the chest area, heart chakra and high heart. Just activating these centres without trying to “change your mind” is already a great start. You can breath into your chest area and allow vibrations of love to fill you.
If you are so lost in your mind that you cannot longer “feel” where you are in your vibration you can start with an affirmation of self love. For example: “I love myself unconditionally”. Start looking at your own frustration. Where is this situation touching you and what flavour of love do you need to be able to open your heart centres again.
If you are in denial of darkness or in denial about the fact that darkness pulls you into your own darkness you go into spiritual bypass. This is not helpful. You might be saying and knowing that all is light and all is love, but you are not vibrating it.
An observation becomes a judgment when it is void of the vibration of love and compassion. Because judgement is a narrowed down perception of any thing or person that only includes the part that is perceived as dark, bad, undesired.
The fifth dimensional view on darkness
Darkness does not exist. It is the absence of light. It is nothing. In and of itself, it does not exist. All that exists is love, light, consciousness, whatever you want to call “that”. Darkness, shadow or evil are therefore the absence of this consciousness, light, love.
One of the easiest metaphors to understand this is that you can turn the light on in a room, which will illuminate the room. But there is no such thing as turning the darkness on that then shines all the light away.
So essentially darkness is an illusion and not real. All darkness that we perceive in ourselves and others seems real on the 4th and 3rd dimensions because there is polarity there and things are defined by their opposites. From the fifth dimension onwards the two sides of the medal black/white, far/close, dark/light have merged into one energy vibration; one flavour.
The interesting question to ask yourself is: how do I reach the conclusion that something that I observe is dark, bad or undesirable? These kind of mental conclusions are based on the past. It means you are extrapolating the past into the present or future. You extrapolate conclusions that you have formed in the past and therefore you apply your beliefs and thought forms from the past on the new situation. This may trigger fear or disappointment that may lower your vibration and then you are in judgment.
In the fifth dimension also the past and future have merged into one flavour that we can call time. And all possible experiences are therefore just points in time. This means that no point in time is causal to another point in time, merely adjacent. This opens up the possibility to travel to another adjacent point in time that does not seem causal from our third dimensional perspective and so we call it a miracle. What we need to do is focus and move towards another adjacent time point that is more in synchronicity with our desired experience.
Having beliefs and expectations about the outcome of a situation will influence the outcome of that situation because it has us focusing on the adjacent point in time of that situation that we believe or expect. Therefore chances grow much bigger that you will end up with the expected outcome because this is where your focus lies.
If you have ever tried “law of attraction” type of work you know it is not as simple as “what you think you create”. It is more complex because in reality it means all your vibrations both conscious and unconscious create. But people and animals can sense your attitude and therefore, when we have bad or low expectations from them they often manifest these.
So although I do not advocate turning a blind eye to the dark aspects of people or situations, I do suggest you focus your attention on the good, light and conscious aspects. Eventually we strive for a complete view of everything while being present with it in a vibration of love. Until we arrive at that point focussing on the desired reality makes sense. Simply because our minds are still so rooted in problem solving mode that we have a habit of focussing on the undesired. That was the step of our last evolutional jump.
Copyright Maartje Kreuzen 2017